
Optional packages

The use of certain features require additional Python packages to work. These optional packages are installed with pip by appending to the name webchanges the name of the feature (from the table below) inside square brackets, like this:

pip install --upgrade webchanges[use_browser]
pip install --upgrade webchanges[use_browser,redis]


Python package(s) installed

use_browser (in a url job)

  • Playwright

  • psutil

  • Note: Google Chrome (if not present) will be auto-installed at first run


beautify filter

bs4 method of the html2text filter

html5lib parser for the bs4 method of the html2text filter

ical2text filter

imagediff differ

jq filter

  • jq

  • Only available for Linux and macOS (Windows installation is incomplete)

ocr filter

pdf2text filter

  • pdftotext

  • Note: you will also have to separately install OS-specific dependencies [4]

pypdf filter

  • pypdf

  • Note: for PDF files that are not password-protected (otherwise use pypfd_crytpo)


  • pypdf[crypto]

  • For the pypdf filter when using the password sub-directive to extract text from encrypted PDF files.


deepdiff differ

deepdiff_xml differ for XML


matrix reporter

pushbullet reporter

pushover reporter

xmpp reporter


redis database

requests (to use http_client: requests in a job)

safe_password keyring storage


  • All the optional packages listed above

  • Note: you will also have to separately install OS-specific dependencies [3] [4]


Installed packages

These Python packages are installed automatically by pip when installing webchanges: