
The global configuration for webchanges contains basic settings for the generic behavior of webchanges, including its reports and reporters. It is written in YAML format, is called config.yaml, and is located in the in the following directory:

  • Linux: ~/.config/webchanges

  • MacOS: ~/Library/Preferences/webchanges

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%/Documents/webchanges (the webchanges folder within your Documents folder)

It can be edited with any text editor or with:

webchanges --edit-config


(Linux) If you use this command and get an error, set your $EDITOR (or $VISUAL) environment variable in your shell with a command such as export EDITOR=nano.

For a summary of the YAML syntax, see here.

Keys starting with an underscore (_) are ignored and are used by webchanges for writing remarks to a file:

_note: This is a remark

Changed in version 3.11: Keys starting with an underscore (_) are ignored.


In addition to always reporting changes (which is the whole point of the program), webchanges by default reports newly-added (new) pages and errors (error). You can change this behavior in the display section of the configuration:

  new: true
  error: true
  unchanged: false
  empty-diff: true

If you set unchanged to true, webchanges will always report all pages that are checked but have not changed.

While the empty-diff setting is included for backwards-compatibility, webchanges uses the easier job directive additions_only to obtain similar results, which you should use. This deprecated setting controls what happens if a page is changed, but due to e.g. a diff_filter the diff is reduced to the empty string. If set to true, webchanges: will report an (empty) change. If set to false, the change will not be included in the report.

Reports and Reporters

Any report- or reporter-specific configuration must be inside the report directive in the configuration.

text, html and markdown are report types, and their settings apply to all reporters that use that type of report (for example, the stdout reporter uses text, while the email reporter with html: true uses html; see reporters for details).

Here is an example configuration that reports using UTC timezone on standard output in color, as well as HTML email (one report for each job) using an SMTP server:

  tz: Etc/UTC
    details: true
    footer: true
    line_length: 75
    minimal: false
    separate: false
    diff: unified  # Deprecated; specify a :ref:`differs <differs>` in the job
    separate: true
  email:  # This is the email reporter
    enabled: true
    from: 'Web watcher <>'
    html: true
    method: smtp
      user: 'username_goes_here'
      insecure_password: 'password_goes_here'
      auth: true
      port: 587
      starttls: true
    subject: '{count} changes: {jobs}'
    to: 'User <>'
      color: true
      enabled: true
    minimal: false
    show_details: true
    show_footer: true
    separate: false

Configuration options for reports is described in reports.

Configuration options for reporters is described in reporters.

Reporters are implemented in a hierarchy, and configuration settings of a report apply to all descendant reporters:

├───webservice (no settings)
│   ├───pushover
│   └───pushbullet
│   ├───slack
│   └───shell


Setting the email reporter’s html option to true will cause it to inherit from the html configuration.

Job Defaults

If you want to apply or change default settings for all your jobs, add them to the job_defaults section in your config file. The following example will set default headers for all url jobs without use_browser:

  _note: Default directives that are applied to jobs.
    _note: These are used for URL jobs without 'use_browser'.
      Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
      Accept-Language: en-US,en
      DNT: 1
      Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
      Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
      Sec-Fetch-Site: none
      Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
      Sec-GCP: 1
      Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
      User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

The above config file sets all url jobs without the browser directive to use the specified headers.

The possible sub-directives to job_defaults are:

  • all: Applies to all your jobs, including those in;

  • url: Applies only to jobs with the directive url without use_browser;

  • browser: Applies only to jobs with the directives url and use_browser: true;

  • command: Applies only to jobs with the directive command.

See jobs about the different job kinds and directives that can be set.

Duplicate handling

If a directive is specified both in all and either in url, browser or command, the one in all will be overridden, with the contents of headers being handled as if they were separate directives before being overridden.

Database configuration

If you want to change some settings for all your jobs, edit the database section in your config file:

  engine: sqlite3
  max_snapshots: 4

Default database engine


You can select one of the engines from this list; the default engine can also be changed on an individual run with the --cache-engine command line argument.

Default (sqlite3)

In version 3.2 we migrated the internal database system to one that relies on the built-in sqlite3 engine. This is more efficient due to indexing, creates smaller files due to data compression with msgpack, and provides additional functionality such as no data corruption in case of an execution error.

This has also allowed us to remove the requirement for the minidb Python package. Migration of the latest snapshots from the legacy (minidb) database is done automatically and the old file is preserved for manual deletion.

Text files (textfiles)

To have the latest snapshot of each job saved as a separate text file instead of as a record in a database, use textfiles.

Legacy (mindib)

This will use a database that is backwards compatible with version 3.1 and with urlwatch 2. The minidib Python package must be installed for this to work.

Redis (redis://... or rediss://...)

To use Redis as a database (cache) backend, specify a redis URI:

  engine: redis://localhost:6379/

For this to work, optional dependencies need to be installed; please see here

There is no migration path from an existing database: the Redis database will be empty the first time it is used.

Maximum number of snapshots to save


Each time you run webchanges, it captures the data downloaded from the URL (or the output of the command specified), applies filters, and if it finds a change it saves the resulting snapshot to a database for future comparison. By default¹ only the last 4 changed snapshots are kept, but this number can be modified either in the configuration file or, for an individual run, with the with the --max-snapshots command line argument.

If set to 0, all changed snapshots are retained (the database will grow unbounded).


Changes (diffs) between saved snapshots can be redisplayed with the --test-differ command line argument (see here).

¹ Note that when using redis or minidb database engines all snapshots will be kept, while when using the textfiles database engine only the last snapshot is kept.

Added in version 3.11: for default sqlite3 database engine only.

Omitting configuration directives

When the config.yaml file is created, it contains all configuration directives and their default settings. If you omit/remove any directive from this file, webchanges will use the default value for the missing one. You can see a list of such omitted/missing directives and the default values assigned when running with the --vv command line argument.

Keys starting with underline are ignored

Keys that start with underline are ignored and can be used for remarks.

Added in version 3.11.