
This changelog mostly follows ‘keep a changelog’. Release numbering mostly follows Semantic Versioning (<major>.<minor>.<patch>). Release date is UTC. Major backward incompatible (breaking) changes will be introduced in major versions with advance notice in the Deprecations section. Documentation updates are ongoing and mostly unlisted here.


The unreleased versions can be installed as follows (git needs to be installed):

pip install git+

Unreleased documentation is here.

Contributions are always welcomed, and you can check out the wish list for inspiration.

Version 3.22


⚠ Breaking Changes

  • Developers integrating custom Python code ( should refer to the “Internals” section below for important changes.


  • Snapshot database

    • Moved the snapshot database from the “user_cache” directory (typically not backed up) to the “user_data” directory. The new paths are (typically):

      • Linux: ~/.local/share/webchanges or $XDG_DATA_HOME/webchanges

      • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/webchanges

      • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\webchanges\webchanges

    • Renamed the file from cache.db to snapshots.db to more clearly denote its contents.

    • Introduced a new command line option --database to specify the filename for the snapshot database, replacing the previous --cache option (which is deprecated but still supported).

    • Many thanks to Markus Weimar for pointing this problem out in issue #75.

  • Modified the command line argument --test-differ to accept a second parameter, specifying the maximum number of diffs to generate.

  • Updated the command line argument --dump-history to display the mime_type attribute when present.

  • Enhanced differs functionality:

    • Standardized headers for deepdiff and imagediff to align more closely with those of unified.

    • Improved the google_ai differ:

      • Enhanced error handling: now, the differ will continue operation and report errors rather than failing outright when Google API errors occur.

      • Improved the default prompt to Analyze this unified diff and create a summary listing only the changes:\n\n{unified_diff} for improved results.


  • Fixed an AttributeError Exception when the fallback HTTP client package requests is not installed, as reported by yubiuser in issue #76.

  • Addressed a ValueError in the --test-differ command, a regression reported by Markus Weimar in issue #79.

  • To prevent overlooking changes, webchanges now refrains from saving a new snapshot if a differ operation fails with an Exception.


  • New mime_type attribute: we are now capturing and storing the data type (as a MIME type) alongside data in the snapshot database to facilitate future automation of filtering, diffing, and reporting. Developers using custom Python code will need to update their filter and retrieval methods in classes inheriting from FilterBase and JobBase, respectively, to accommodate the mime_type attribute. Detailed updates are available in the hooks documentation.

  • Updated terminology: References to cache in object names have been replaced with ssdb (snapshot database).

  • Introduced a new NamedTuple, Snapshot, to streamline the process of retrieving and saving data to the database.

Version 3.21



  • Job selectable differs: The differ, i.e. the method by which changes are detected and summarized, can now be selected job by job. Also gone is the restriction to have only unified diffs, HTML table diff, or calling an outside executable, as differs have become modular.

    • Python programmers can write their own custom differs using the file.

    • Backward-compatibility is preserved, so your current jobs will continue to work.

  • New differs:

    • difflib to report element-by-element changes in JSON or XML structured data.

    • imagediff (BETA) to report an image showing changes in an image being tracked.

    • ai_google (BETA) to use a Generative AI provide a summary of changes (free API key required). We use Google’s Gemini Pro 1.5 since it is the first model that can ingest 1M tokens, allowing to analyze changes in long documents (up to 350,000 words, or about 700 pages single-spaced) such as terms and conditions, privacy policies, etc. where summarization adds the most value and which other models can’t handle. The differ can call the Gen AI model to summarize a unified diff or to find and summarize the differences itself. Also supported is Gemini 1.0, but it can handle a lower number of tokens.


  • Filter absolute_links now converts URLs of the action, href and src attributes in any HTML tag, as well as the data attribute of the <object> tag; it previously converted only the href attribute of <a> tags.

  • Updated explanatory text and error messages for increased clarity.

  • You can now select jobs to run by using its url/command instead of its number, e.g. webchanges is just as valid as webchanges 1.


  • Job directive diff_tool. Replaced with the command differ (see here.


  • webchanges --errors will no longer check jobs who have disabled: true (thanks to yubiuser for reporting this in issue # 73).

  • Markdown links with no text were not clickable when converted to HTML; conversion now adds a ‘Link without text’ label.


  • Improved speed of creating a unified diff for an HTML report.

  • Reduced excessive logging from httpx’s sub-modules hpack and httpcore when running with -vv.

Version 3.20.2



  • Parsing the to address for the sendmail email reporter.

Version 3.20.1



  • Regression introduced in supporting sending to multiple “to” addresses.

Version 3.20



  • re.findall filter to extract, delete or replace non-overlapping text using Python re.findall.


  • --test-reporter now allows testing of reporters that are not enabled; if a reporter is not enabled, a warning will be issued. This simplifies testing.

  • email reporter (both SMTP and sendmail) supports sending to multiple “to” addresses.


  • Reports from jobs with monospace: true were not being rendered correctly in Gmail.

Version 3.19.1



  • Added the Date header field to SMTP email messages to ensure the timestamp is present even when it is not added by the server upon receipt. Contributed by Dominik in #71.

Version 3.19



  • Under certain circumstances, certain default jobs directives declared in the configuration file would not be applied to jobs.

  • Fixed automatic fallback to requests when the required HTTP client package httpx is missing.


  • block_elements directive for jobs with use_browser: true is supported again and can be used to improve speed by preventing binary and media content loading, while providing all elements required dynamic web page load (see the advanced section of the documentation for a suggestion of elements to block). This was available under Pypetteer and has been reintroduced for Playwright.

  • init_script directive for jobs with use_browser: true to execute a JavaScript in Chrome after launching it and before navigating to url. This can be useful to e.g. unset certain default Chrome navigator properties by calling a JavaScript function to do so.

Version 3.18.1



  • Fixed regression whereby configuration key empty-diff was inadvertently renamed empty_diff.

Version 3.18



  • Fixed incorrect handling of HTTP client libraries when httpx is not installed (should graciously fallback to requests). Reported by drws as an add-on to issuse #66.


  • Job directive enabled to allow disabling of a job without removing or commenting it in the jobs file (contributed by James Hewitt upstream).

  • webhook reporter has a new rich_text config option for preformatted rich text for Slack (contributed by K̶e̶v̶i̶n̶ upstream).


  • Command line argument --errors now uses conditional requests to improve speed. Do not use to test newly modified jobs since websites reporting no changes from the last snapshot stored by webchanges are skipped; use --test instead.

  • If the simplejson library is installed, it will be used instead of the built-in json module (see

Version 3.17.2



  • Exception in error handling when requests is not installed (reported by yubiuser in #66).

Version 3.17.1



  • Removed dependency on requests library inadvertently left behind (reported by yubiuser in #65).

Version 3.17



  • You can now specify a reporter name after the command line argument --errors to send the output to the reporter specified. For example, to be notified by email of any jobs that result in an error or who, after filtering, return no data (indicating they may no longer be monitoring resources as expected), run webchanges --errors email (requested by yubiuser in #63).

  • You can now suppress the footer in an html report using the new footer: false sub-directive in config.yaml (same as the one already existing with text and markdown).


  • Fixed a regression on the default User-Agent header for url jobs with the use_browser: true directive.

Version 3.16



  • The HTTP/2 network protocol (the same used by major browsers) is now used in url jobs. This allows the monitoring of certain websites who block requests made with older protocols like HTTP/1.1. This is implemented by using the HTTPX and h2 HTTP client libraries instead of the requests one used previously.


    • Handling of data served by sites whose encoding is misconfigured is done slightly differently by HTTPX, and if you newly encounter instances where extended characters are rendered as try adding encoding: ISO-8859-1 to that job.

    • To revert to the use of the requests HTTP client library, use the new job sub-directive http_client: requests (in individual jobs or in the configuration file for all url jobs) and install requests by running pip install --upgrade webchanges[requests].

    • If the system is misconfigured and the HTTPX HTTP client library is not found, an attempt to use the requests one will be made. This behaviour is transitional and will be removed in the future.

    • HTTP/2 is theoretically faster than HTTP/1.1 and preliminary testing confirmed this.

  • New pypdf filter to convert pdf to text without having to separately install OS dependencies. If you’re using pdf2text (and its OS dependencies), I suggest you switch to pypdf as it’s much faster; however do note that the raw and physical sub-directives are not supported. Install the required library by running pip install --upgrade webchanges[pypdf].

  • New absolute_links filter to convert relative links in HTML <a> tags to absolute ones. This filter is not needed if you are already using the beautify or html2text filters (requested by by Paweł Szubert in #62).

  • New {jobs_files} substitution for the subject of the email reporter. This will be replaced by the name of the jobs file(s) different than the default jobs.yaml in parentheses, with a prefix of jobs- in the name removed. To use, replace the subject line for your reporter(s) in config.yaml with e.g. [webchanges] {count} changes{jobs_files}: {jobs}.

  • html reports now have a configurable title to set the HTML document title, defaulting to [webchanges] {count} changes{jobs_files}: {jobs}.

  • Added reference to a Docker implementation to the documentation (requested by by yubiuser in #64).


  • url jobs will use the HTTPX library instead of requests if it’s installed since it uses the HTTP/2 network protocol (when the h2 library is also installed) as browsers do. To revert to the use of requests even if HTTPX is installed on the system, add http_client: requests to the relevant jobs or make it a default by editing the configuration file to add the sub-directive http_client: requests for url jobs under job_defaults.

  • The beautify filter converts relative links to absolute ones; use the new absolute_links: false sub-directive to disable.


  • Removed transitional support for the beautifulsoup<4.11 library (i.e. older than 7 April 2022) for the beautify filter.

  • Removed dependency on the requests library and its own dependency on the urllib3 library.

  • Code cleanup, including removing support for Python 3.8.

Version 3.15



  • Support for Python 3.12.

  • data_as_json job directive for url jobs to indicate that data entered as a dict should be serialized as JSON instead of urlencoded and, if missing, the header Content-Type set to application/json instead of application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


  • Improved error handling and documentation on the need of an external install when using parser: html5lib with the bs4 method of the html2text filter and added html5lib as an optional dependency keyword (thanks to 101Dude’s report in 59).


  • Support for Python 3.8. A reminder that older Python versions are supported for 3 years after being obsoleted by a new major release (i.e. about 4 years since their original release).


  • Upgraded build environment to use the build frontend and pyproject.toml, eliminating

  • Migrated to pyproject.toml the configuration of all tools who support it.

  • Increased the default timeout for url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Playwright) to 120 seconds.

Version 3.14



  • When running in verbose (-v) mode, if a url job with use_browser: true fails with a Playwright error, capture and save in the temporary folder a screenshot, a full page image, and the HTML contents of the page at the moment of the error (see logs for filenames).

Version 3.13



  • Reports have a new separate configuration option to split reports into one-per-job.

  • url jobs without use_browser have a new retries directive to specify the number of times to retry a job that errors before giving up. Using retries: 1 or higher will often solve the ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) error received from a misconfigured server at the first connection.

  • remove_duplicates filter has a new adjacent sub-directive to de-duplicate non-adjacent lines or items.

  • css and xpath have a new sort subfilter to sort matched elements lexicographically.

  • Command line arguments:

    • New --footnote to add a custom footnote to reports.

    • New --change-location to keep job history when the url or command changes.

    • --gc-database and --clean-database now have optional argument RETAIN-LIMIT to allow increasing the number of retained snapshots from the default of 1.

    • New --detailed-versions to display detailed version and system information, inclusive of the versions of dependencies and, in certain Linux distributions (e.g. Debian), of system libraries. It also reports available memory and disk space.


  • command jobs now have improved error reporting which includes the error text from the failed command.

  • --rollback-database now confirms the date (in ISO-8601 format) to roll back the database to and, if webchanges is being run in interactive mode, the user will be asked for positive confirmation before proceeding with the un-reversible deletion.


  • Added bandit testing to improve the security of code.

  • headers are now turned into strings before being passed to Playwright (addresses the error playwright._impl._api_types.Error: extraHTTPHeaders[13].value: expected string, got number).

  • Exclude tests from being recognized as package during build (contributed by Max in #54).

  • Refactored and cleaned up some tests.

  • Initial testing with Python 3.12.0-rc1, but a reported bug in typing.TypeVar prevents the pyee dependency of playwright from loading, causing a failure. Awaiting for fix in Python 3.12.0-rc2 to retry.

Version 3.12



  • Support for Python 3.11. Please note that the lxml dependency may fail to install on Windows due to this bug and that therefore for now webchanges can only be run in Python 3.10 on Windows. [Update: lxml wheels for Python 3.11 on Windows are available as of 2022-12-13].


  • Support for Python 3.7. As a reminder, older Python versions are supported for 3 years after being obsoleted by a new major release; support for Python 3.8 will be removed on or about 5 October 2023.


  • Job sorting for reports is now case-insensitive.

  • Documentation on how to anonymously monitor GitHub releases (due to changes in GitHub) (contributed by Luis Aranguren upstream).

  • Handling of method subfilter for filter html2text (reported by kongomondo upstream).


  • Jobs base class now has a __is_browser__ attribute, which can be used with custom hooks to identify jobs that run a browser so they can be executed in the correct parallel processing queue.

  • Fixed static typing to conform to the latest mypy checks.

  • Extended type checking to testing scripts.

Version 3.11



Support for Python 3.7 will be removed on or about 22 October 2022 as older Python versions are supported for 3 years after being obsoleted by a new major release.


  • The new no_conditional_request directive for url jobs turns off conditional requests for those extremely rare websites that don’t handle it (e.g. Google Flights).

  • Selecting the database engine and the maximum number of changed snapshots saved is now set through the configuration file, and the command line arguments --database-engine and --max-snapshots are used to override such settings. See documentation for more information. Suggested by jprokos in #43.

  • New configuration setting empty-diff within the display configuration for backwards compatibility only: use the additions_only job directive instead to achieve the same result. Reported by bbeevvoo in #47.

  • Aliased the command line arguments --gc-cache with --gc-database, --clean-cache with --clean-database and --rollback-cache with --rollback-database for clarity.

  • The configuration file (e.g. conf.yaml) can now contain keys starting with a _ (underscore) for remarks (they are ignored).


  • Reports are now sorted alphabetically and therefore you can use the name directive to affect the order by which your jobs are displayed in reports.

  • Implemented measures for url jobs using browser: true to avoid being detected: webchanges now passes all the headless Chrome detection tests here. Brought to attention by amammad in #45.

  • Running webchanges --test (without specifying a JOB) will now check the hooks file (if any) for syntax errors in addition to the config and jobs file. Error reporting has also been improved.

  • No longer showing the the text returned by the server when a 404 - Not Found error HTTP status code is returned by for all url jobs (previously only for jobs with use_browser: true).


  • Bug in command line arguments --config and --hooks. Contributed by Klaus Sperner in PR #46.

  • Job directive compared_versions now works as documented and testing has been added to the test suite. Reported by jprokos in #43.

  • The output of command line argument --test-differ now takes into consideration compared_versions.

  • Markdown containing code in a link text now converts correctly in HTML reports.


  • The job kind of shell has been renamed command to better reflect what it does and the way it’s described in the documentation, but shell is still recognized for backward compatibility.

  • Readthedocs build upgraded to Python 3.10

Version 3.10.3



  • url jobs with use_browser: true that receive an error HTTP status code from the server will now include the text returned by the server in the error message (e.g. “Rate exceeded.”, “upstream request timeout”, etc.), except if HTTP status code 404 - Not Found is received.


  • The command line argument --jobs used to specify a jobs file now accepts a glob pattern, e.g. wildcards, to specify multiple files. If more than one file matches the pattern, their contents will be concatenated before a job list is built. Useful e.g. if you have multiple jobs files that run on different schedules and you want to clean the snapshot database of URLs/commands no longer monitored (“garbage collect”) using --gc-cache (e.g. webchanges --jobs *.yaml --gc-cache).

  • The command line argument --list will now list the full path of the jobs file(s).

  • Traceback information for Python Exceptions is suppressed by default. Use the command line argument --verbose (or -v) to display it.


  • Fixed Unicode strings with encoding declaration are not supported. error in the xpath filter using method: xml under certain conditions (MacOS only). Reported by jprokos in #42.


  • The source distribution is now available on PyPI to support certain packagers like fpm.

  • Improved handling and reporting of Playwright browser errors (for url jobs with use_browser: true).

Version 3.10.2


⚠ Breaking Changes

  • Due to a fix to the html2text filter (see below), the first time you run this new version you may get a change report with deletions and additions of lines that look identical. This will happen one time only and will prevent future such change reports.


  • You can now run the command line argument --test without specifying a JOB; this will check the config (default: config.yaml) and job (default: job.yaml) files for syntax errors.

  • New job directive compared_versions allows change detection to be made against multiple saved snapshots; useful for monitoring websites that change between a set of states (e.g. they are running A/B testing).

  • New command line argument --check-new to check if a new version of webchanges is available.

  • Error messages for url jobs failing with HTTP reason codes of 400 and higher now include any text returned by the website (e.g. “Rate exceeded.”, “upstream request timeout”, etc.). Not implemented in jobs with use_browser: true due to limitations in Playwright.


  • On Linux and macOS systems, for security reasons we now check that the hooks file and the directory it is located in are owned and writeable by only the user who is running the job (and not by its group or by other users), identical to what we do with the jobs file if any job uses the shellpipe filter. An explanatory ImportWarning message will be issued if the permissions are not correct and the import of the hooks module is skipped.

  • The command line argument -v or --verbose now shows reduced verbosity logging output while -vv (or --verbose --verbose) shows full verbosity.


  • The html2text filter is no longer retaining any spaces found in the HTML after the end of the text on a line, which are not displayed in HTML and therefore a bug in the conversion library used. This was causing a change report to be issued whenever the number of such invisible spaces changed.

  • The cookies directive was not adding cookies correctly to the header for jobs with browser: true.

  • The wait_for_timeout job directive was not accepting integers (only floats). Reported by Markus Weimar in #39.

  • Improved the usefulness of the message of FileNotFoundError exceptions in filters execute and shellpipe and in reporter run_command.

  • Fixed an issue in the legacy parser used by the xpath filter which under specific conditions caused more html than expected to be returned.

  • Fixed how we determine if a new version has been released (due to an API change by PyPI).

  • When adding custom JobBase classes through the hooks file, their configuration file entries are no longer causing warnings to be issued as unrecognized directives.


  • Changed bootstrapping logic so that when using -vv the logs will include messages relating to the registration of the various classes.

  • Improved execution speed of certain informational command line arguments.

  • Updated the vendored version of packaging.version.parse() to 21.3, released on 2021-11-27.

  • Changed the import logic for the packaging.version.parse() function so that if packaging is found to be installed, it will be imported from there instead of from the vendored module.

  • urllib3 is now an explicit dependency due to the refactoring of the requests package (we previously used requests.packages.urllib3). Has no effect since urllib3 is already being installed as a dependency of requests.

  • Added py.typed marker file to implement PEP 561.

Version 3.10.1



Version 3.10


⚠ Breaking changes

Pyppeteer has been replaced with Playwright

This change only affects jobs that use_browser: true (i.e. those running on a browser to run JavaScript). If none of your jobs have use_browser: true, there’s nothing new here (and nothing to do).

Must do

If any of your jobs have use_browser: true, you MUST:

  1. Install the new dependencies:

pip install --upgrade webchanges[use_browser]
  1. (Optional) ensure you have an up-to-date Google Chrome browser:

webchanges --install-chrome

Additionally, if any of your use_browser: true jobs use the wait_for directive, it needs to be replaced with one of:

  • wait_for_function if you were specifying a JavaScript function (see here for full function details).

  • wait_for_selector if you were specifying a selector string or xpath string (see here for full function details), or

  • wait_for_timeout if you were specifying a timeout; however, this function should only be used for debugging because it “is going to be flaky”, so use one of the other two wait_for if you can.; full details here.

Optionally, the values of wait_for_function and wait_for_selector can now be dicts to take full advantage of all the features offered by those functions in Playwright (see documentation links above).

If you are using the wait_for_navigation directive, it is now called wait_for_url and offers both glob pattern and regex matching; wait_for_navigation will act as an alias for now but but a deprecation warning will be issued.

If you are using the chromium_revision or _beta_use_playwright directives in your configuration file, you should delete them to prevent future errors (for now only a deprecation warning is issued).

Finally, if you are using the experimental block_elements sub-directive, it is not (yet?) implemented in Playwright and is simply ignored.


wait_until has additional functionality, and now takes one of:

  • load (default): Consider operation to be finished when the load event is fired.

  • domcontentloaded: Consider operation to be finished when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.

  • networkidle (old networkidle0 and networkidle2 map into this): Consider operation to be finished when there are no network connections for at least 500 ms.

  • commit (new): Consider operation to be finished when network response is received and the document started loading.

New directives

The following directives are new to the Playwright implementation:

  • referer: Referer header value (a string). If provided, it will take preference over the referer header value set by the headers sub-directive.

  • initialization_url: A url to navigate to before the url (e.g. a home page where some state gets set).

  • initialization_js: Only used in conjunction with initialization_url, a JavaScript to execute after loading initialization_url and before navigating to the url (e.g. to emulate a log in). Advanced usage

  • ignore_default_args directive for url jobs with use_browser: true (using Chrome) to control how Playwright launches Chrome.

In addition, the new --no-headless command line argument will run the Chrome browser in “headed” mode, i.e. displaying the website as it loads it, to facilitate with debugging and testing (e.g. webchanges --test 1 --no-headless --test-reporter email).

See more details of the new directives in the updated documentation.

Freeing space by removing Pyppeteer

You can free up disk space if no other packages use Pyppeteer by, in order:

  1. Removing the downloaded Chromium images by deleting the entire directory (and its subdirectories) shown by running:

python -c "import pathlib; from pyppeteer.chromium_downloader import DOWNLOADS_FOLDER; print(pathlib.Path(DOWNLOADS_FOLDER).parent)"
  1. Uninstalling the Pyppeteer package by running:

pip uninstall pyppeteer


The implementation of use_browser: true jobs (i.e. those running on a browser to run JavaScript) using Pyppeteer and the Chromium browser it uses has been very problematic, as the library:

  • is in alpha,

  • is very slow,

  • defaults to years-old obsolete versions of Chromium,

  • can be insecure (e.g. found that TLS certificates were disabled for downloading browsers!),

  • creates conflicts with imports (e.g. requires obsolete version of websockets),

  • is poorly documented,

  • is poorly maintained,

  • may require OS-specific dependencies that need to be separately installed,

  • does not work with Arm-based processors,

  • is prone to crashing,

  • and outright freezes withe the current version of Python (3.10)!

Pyppeteer’s open issues now exceed 130 and are growing almost daily.

Playwright has none of the issues above, the core dev team apparently is the same who wrote Puppeteer (of which Pyppeteer is a port to Python), and is supported by the deep pockets of Microsoft. The Python version is officially supported and up-to-date, and (in our configuration) uses the latest stable version of Google Chrome out of the box without the contortions of manually having to pick and set revisions.

Playwright has been in beta testing within webchanges for months and has been performing very well (significantly more so than Pyppeteer).


  • Major updates on anything that has to do with use_browser.

  • Fixed two examples of the email reporter. Reported by jprokos in #34.


  • If you subclassed JobBase in your file, and are defining a retrieve method, please note that the number of arguments has been increased to 3 as follows:

def retrieve(self, job_state: JobState, headless: bool = True) -> tuple[Union[str, bytes], str]:
     """Runs job to retrieve the data, and returns data and ETag.

     :param job_state: The JobState object, to keep track of the state of the retrieval.
     :param headless: For browser-based jobs, whether headless mode should be used.
     :returns: The data retrieved and the ETag.

Version 3.9.2


⚠ Last release using Pyppeteer

  • This is the last release using Pyppeteer for jobs with use_browser: true, which will be replaced by Playwright in release 9.10, forthcoming hopefully in a few weeks. See above for more information on how to prepare – and start using Playwright now!


  • New ignore_dh_key_too_small directive for url jobs to overcome the ssl.SSLError: [SSL: DH_KEY_TOO_SMALL] dh key too small (_ssl.c:1129) error.

  • New indent sub-directive for the beautify filter (requires BeautifulSoup version 4.11.0 or later).

  • New --dump-history JOB command line argument to print all saved snapshot history for a job.

  • Playwright only: new``–no-headless`` command line argument to help with debugging and testing (e.g. run webchanges --test 1 --no-headless). Not available for Pyppeteer.

  • Extracted Discord reporting from webhooks into its own discord reporter to fix it not working and to add embedding functionality as well as color (contributed by Michał Ciołek upstream. Reported by jprokos <>`__ in #33.)


  • We are no longer rewriting to disk the entire database at every run. Now it’s only rewritten if there are changes (and minimally) and, obviously, when running with the --gc-cache or --clean-cache command line argument. Reported by JsBergbau upstream. Also updated documentation suggesting to run --clean-cache or --gc-cache periodically.

  • A ValueError is no longer raised if an unknown directive is found in the configuration file, but a Warning is issued instead. Reported by c0deing in #26.

  • The kind job directive (used for custom job classes in was undocumented and not fully functioning.

  • For jobs with use_browser: true and a switch directive containing --window-size, turn off Playwright’s default fixed viewport (of 1280x720) as it overrides --window-size.

  • Email headers (“From:”, “To:”, etc.) now have title case per RFC 2076. Reported by fdelapena in #29.


  • Added warnings for Windows users to run Python in UTF-8 mode. Reported by Knut Wannheden in #25.

  • Added suggestion to run --clean-cache or --gc-cache periodically to compact the database file.

  • Continued improvements.


  • Updated licensing file to GitHub naming standards and updated its contents to more clearly state that this software redistributes source code of release 2.21 dated 30 July 2020 of urlwatch ( retaining its license, which is distributed as part of the source code.

  • Pyppeteer has been removed from the test suite.

  • Deprecated exception in favor of Python’s native subprocess.SubprocessError one and its subclasses.

Version 3.9.1



  • Config file directives checker would incorrect reject reports added through Reported by Knut Wannheden in #24.

Version 3.9



  • The method bs4 of filter html2text has a new strip sub-directive which is passed to BeautifulSoup, and its default value has changed to false to conform to BeautifulSoup’s default. This gives better output in most cases. To restore the previous non-standard behavior, add the strip: true sub-directive to the html2text filter of jobs.

  • Pyppeteer (used for url jobs with use_browser: true) is now crashing during certain tests with Python 3.7. There will be no new development to fix this as the use of Pyppeteer will soon be deprecated in favor of Playwright. See above to start using Playwright now (highly suggested).


  • The method bs4 of filter html2text now accepts the sub-directives separator and strip.

  • When using the command line argument --test-diff, the output can now be sent to a specific reporter by also specifying the --test-reporter argument. For example, if running on a machine with a web browser, you can see the HTML version of the last diff(s) from job 1 with webchanges --test-diff 1 --test-reporter browser on your local browser.

  • New filter remove-duplicate-lines. Contributed by Michael Sverdlin upstream here (with modifications).

  • New filter csv2text. Contributed by Michael Sverdlin upstream here (with modifications).

  • The html report type has a new job directive monospace which sets the output to use a monospace font. This can be useful e.g. for tabular text extracted by the pdf2text filter.

  • The command_run report type has a new environment variable WEBCHANGES_CHANGED_JOBS_JSON.

  • Opt-in to use Playwright for jobs with use_browser: true instead of pyppeteer (see above).


  • During conversion of Markdown to HTML, * Code blocks were not rendered without wrapping and in monospace font; * Spaces immediately after ` (code block opening) were being dropped.

  • The email reporter’s sendmail sub-directive was not passing the from sub-directive (when specified) to the sendmail executable as an -f command line argument. Contributed by Jonas Witschel upstream here (with modifications).

  • HTML characters were not being unescaped when the job name is determined from the <title> tag of the data monitored (if present).

  • Command line argument --test-diff was only showing the last diff instead of all saved ones.

  • The command_run report type was not setting variables count and jobs (always 0). Contributed by Brian Rak in #23.


  • Updated the “recipe” for monitoring Facebook public posts.

  • Improved documentation for filter pdf2text.


  • Support for Python 3.10 (except for url jobs with use_browser using pyppeteer since it does not yet support it; use Playwright instead).

  • Improved speed of detection and handling of lines starting with spaces during conversion of Markdown to HTML.

  • Logging (--verbose) now shows thread IDs to help with debugging.

Known issues

  • Pyppeteer (used for url jobs with use_browser: true) is now crashing during certain tests with Python 3.7. There will be no new development to fix this as the use of Pyppeteer will soon be deprecated in favor of Playwright. See above to start using Playwright now (highly suggested).

Version 3.8.3



  • Fixed incorrect handling of timeout when checking if new version has been released.


  • DictType hints for configuration.

Version 3.8.2


⚠ Breaking Changes (dependencies)

  • Filter pdf2text’s dependency Python package pdftotext in its latest version 2.2.0 has changed the way it displays text to no longer try to emulate formatting (columns etc.). This is generally a welcome improvement as changes in formatting no longer trigger change reports, but if you want to return to the previous layout we have added a physical sub-directive which you need to set to true on the jobs affected. Note that otherwise all your pdf2text jobs will report changes (in formatting) the first time they are run after the pdftotext Python package is updated.


  • Updated default Chromium executables to revisions equivalent to Chromium 92.0.4515.131 (latest stable release); this fixes unsupported browser error thrown by certain websites. Use webchanges --chromium-directory to locate where older revision were downloaded to delete them manually.


  • Filter pdf2text now supports the raw and physical sub-directives, which are passed to the underlying Python package pdftotext (version 2.2.0 or higher).

  • New --chromium-directory command line displays the directory where the downloaded Chromium executables are located to facilitate the deletion of older revisions.

  • Footer now indicates if the run was made with a jobs file whose stem name is not the default ‘jobs’, to ease identification when running webchanges with a variety of jobs files.


  • Fixed legacy code handling --edit-config command line argument to allow editing of a configuration file with YAML syntax errors (#15 by Markus Weimar).

  • Telegram reporter documentation was missing instructions on how to notify channels (#16 by Sean Tauber).


  • Type hints are checked during pre-commit by mypy.

  • Imports are rearranged during pre-commit by isort.

  • Now testing all database engines, including redis, and more, adding 4 percentage points of code coverage to 81%.

  • The name of a FilterBase subclass is always its __kind__ + Filter (e.g. the class for element-by-id filter is named ElementByIDFilter and not GetElementByID)

Version 3.8.1



  • Files in the new _vendored directory are now installed correctly.

Version 3.8



  • url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) now recognize data and method directives, enabling e.g. to make a POST HTTP request using a browser with JavaScript support.

  • New tz key for report in the configuration sets the timezone for the diff in reports (useful if running e.g. on a cloud server in a different timezone). See documentation.

  • New run_command reporter to execute a command and pass the report text as its input. Suggested by Marcos Alano upstream here.

  • New remove_repeated filter to remove repeated lines (similar to Unix’s uniq). Suggested by Michael Sverdlin upstream here.

  • The user_visible_url job directive now applies to all type of jobs, including command ones. Suggested by kongomongo upstream here.

  • The --delete-snapshot command line argument now works with Redis database engine (--database-engine redis). Contributed by Scott MacVicar with pull request #`13 <>`__.

  • The execute filter (and shellpipe) sets more environment variables to allow for more flexibility; see improved documentation (including more examples).

  • Negative job indices are allowed; for example, run webchanges -1 to only run the last job of your jobs list, or webchanges --test -2 to test the second to last job of your jobs list.

  • Configuration file is now checked for invalid directives (e.g. typos) when program is run.

  • Whenever a HTTP client error (4xx) response is received, in --verbose mode the content of the response is displayed with the error.

  • If a newer version of webchanges has been released to PyPI, an advisory notice is printed to stdout and added to the report footer (if footer is enabled).


  • The html2text filter’s method strip_tags was returning HTML character references (e.g. &gt;, &#62;, &#x3e;) instead of the corresponding Unicode characters.

  • Fixed a rare case when html report would not correctly reconstruct a clickable link from Markdown for items inside elements in a list.

  • When using the --edit or --edit-config command line arguments to edit jobs or configuration files, symbolic links are no longer overwritten. Reported by snowman upstream here.


  • --verbose command line argument will now list configuration keys ‘missing’ from the file, keys for which default values have been used.

  • tox testing can now be run in parallel using tox --parallel.

  • Additional testing, adding 3 percentage points of coverage to 78%.

  • bump2version now follows PEP440 and has new documentation in the file .bumpversion.txt (cannot document .bumpversion.cfg as remarks get deleted at every version bump).

  • Added a vendored version of packaging.version.parse() from Packaging 20.9, released on 2021-02-20, used to check if the version in PyPI is higher than the current one.

  • Migrated from unmaintained Python package AppDirs to its friendly fork platformdirs, which is maintained and offers more functionality. Unless used by another package, you can uninstall appdirs with pip uninstall appdirs.

Version 3.7


⚠ Breaking Changes

  • Removed Python 3.6 support to simplify code. Older Python versions are supported for 3 years after being obsoleted by a new major release; as Python 3.7 was released on 27 June 2018, the last date of Python 3.6 support was 26 June 2021


  • Improved telegram reporter now uses MarkdownV2 and preserves most formatting of HTML sites processed by the html2text filter, e.g. clickable links, bolding, underlining, italics and strikethrough


  • New filter execute to filter the data using an executable without invoking the shell (as shellpipe does) and therefore exposing to additional security risks

  • New sub-directive silent for telegram reporter to receive a notification with no sound (true/false) (default: false)

  • Github Issues templates for bug reports and feature requests


  • Job headers stored in the configuration file (config.yaml) are now merged correctly and case-insensitively with those present in the job (in jobs.yaml). A header in the job replaces a header by the same name if already present in the configuration file, otherwise is added to the ones present in the configuration file.

  • Fixed TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object error in cookiejar (called by requests module) caused by some cookies being read from the jobs YAML file in other formats


  • Strengthened security with bandit to catch common security issues

  • Standardized code formatting with black

  • Improved pre-commit speed by using local libraries when practical

  • More improvements to type hinting (moving towards testing with mypy)

  • Removed module (needed only for Python 3.6)

Version 3.6.1



Older Python versions are supported for 3 years after being obsoleted by a new major release. As Python 3.7 was released on 27 June 2018, the codebase will be streamlined by removing support for Python 3.6 on or after 27 June 2021.


  • Clearer results messages for --delete-snapshot command line argument


  • First run would fail when creating new config.yaml file. Thanks to David in issue #10.

  • Use same run duration precision in all reports

Version 3.6



  • Run a subset of jobs by adding their index number(s) as command line arguments. For example, run webchanges 2 3 to only run jobs #2 and #3 of your jobs list. Run webchanges --list to find the job numbers. Suggested by Dan Brown upstream here. API is experimental and may change in the near future.

  • Support for ftp:// URLs to download a file from an ftp server


  • Sequential job numbering (skip numbering empty jobs). Suggested by Markus Weimar in issue #9.

  • failed to build autodoc API documentation

  • Error processing jobs with URL/URIs starting with file:///


  • Improvements of errors and DeprecationWarnings during the processing of job directives and their inclusion in tests

  • Additional testing adding 3 percentage points of coverage to 75%

  • Temporary database being written during run is now in memory-first (handled by SQLite3) (speed improvement)

  • Updated algorithm that assigns a job to a subclass based on directives found

  • Migrated to using the pathlib standard library

Version 3.5.1



  • Crash in RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration with custom headers; updated testing scenarios

  • Autodoc not building API documentation

Version 3.5



  • New sub-directives to the strip filter:

    • chars: Set of characters to be removed (default: whitespace)

    • side: One-sided removal, either left (leading characters) or right (trailing characters)

    • splitlines: Whether to apply the filter on each line of text (true/false) (default: false, i.e. apply to the entire data)

  • --delete-snapshot command line argument: Removes the latest saved snapshot of a job from the database; useful if a change in a website (e.g. layout) requires modifying filters as invalid snapshot can be deleted and webchanges rerun to create a truthful diff

  • --log-level command line argument to control the amount of logging displayed by the -v argument

  • ignore_connection_errors, ignore_timeout_errors, ignore_too_many_redirects and ignore_http_error_codes directives now work with url jobs having use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer when running in Python 3.7 or higher


  • Diff-filter additions_only will no longer report additions that consist exclusively of added empty lines (issue #6, contributed by Fedora7)

  • Diff-filter deletions_only will no longer report deletions that consist exclusively of deleted empty lines

  • The job’s index number is included in error messages for clarity

  • --smtp-password now checks that the credentials work with the SMTP server (i.e. logs in)


  • First run after install was not creating new files correctly (inherited from urlwatch); now webchanges creates the default directory, config and/or jobs files if not found when running (issue #8, contributed by rtfgvb01)

  • test-diff command line argument was showing historical diffs in wrong order; now showing most recent first

  • An error is now raised when a url job with use_browser: true returns no data due to an HTTP error (e.g. proxy_authentication_required)

  • Jobs were included in email subject line even if there was nothing to report after filtering with additions_only or deletions_only

  • hexdump filter now correctly formats lines with less than 16 bytes

  • sha1sum and hexdump filters now accept data that is bytes (not just text)

  • An error is now raised when a legacy minidb database is found but cannot be converted because the minidb package is not installed

  • Removed extra unneeded file from being installed

  • Wrong ETag was being captured when a URL redirection took place


  • url jobs using use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) now capture and save the ETag

  • Snapshot timestamps are more accurate (reflect when the job was launched)

  • Each job now has a run-specific unique index_number, which is assigned sequentially when loading jobs, to use in errors and logs for clarity

  • Improvements in the function chunking text into numbered lines, which used by certain reporters (e.g. Telegram)

  • More tests, increasing code coverage by an additional 7 percentage points to 72% (although keyring testing had to be dropped due to issues with GitHub Actions)

  • Additional cleanup of code and documentation

Known issues

  • url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) will at times display the below error message in stdout (terminal console). This does not affect webchanges as all data is downloaded, and hopefully it will be fixed in the future (see Pyppeteer issue #225):

    future: <Future finished exception=NetworkError('Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed.')> pyppeteer.errors.NetworkError: Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed. Future exception was never retrieved

Version 3.4.1



  • Temporary database (sqlite3 database engine) is copied to permanent one exclusively using SQL code instead of partially using a Python loop

Known issues

  • url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) will at times display the below error message in stdout (terminal console). This does not affect webchanges as all data is downloaded, and hopefully it will be fixed in the future (see Pyppeteer issue #225):

    future: <Future finished exception=NetworkError('Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed.')> pyppeteer.errors.NetworkError: Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed. Future exception was never retrieved

Version 3.4


⚠ Breaking Changes

  • Fixed the database from growing unbounded to infinity. Fix only works when running in Python 3.7 or higher and using the new, default, sqlite3 database engine. In this scenario only the latest 4 snapshots are kept, and older ones are purged after every run; the number is selectable with the new --max-snapshots command line argument. To keep the existing grow-to-infinity behavior, run webchanges with --max-snapshots 0.


  • --max-snapshots command line argument sets the number of snapshots to keep stored in the database; defaults to 4. If set to 0 an unlimited number of snapshots will be kept. Only applies to Python 3.7 or higher and only works if the default sqlite3 database is being used.

  • no_redirects job directive (for url jobs) to disable GET/OPTIONS/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE/HEAD redirection (true/false). Suggested by snowman upstream here.

  • Reporter prowl for the Prowl push notification client for iOS (only). Contributed by nitz upstream in PR 633.

  • Filter jq to parse, transform, and extract ASCII JSON data. Contributed by robgmills upstream in PR 626.

  • Filter pretty-xml as an alternative to format-xml (backwards-compatible with urlwatch 2.28)

  • Alert user when the jobs file contains unrecognized directives (e.g. typo)


  • Job name is truncated to 60 characters when derived from the title of a page (no directive name is found in a url job)

  • --test-diff command line argument displays all saved snapshots (no longer limited to 10)


  • Diff (change) data is no longer lost if webchanges is interrupted mid-execution or encounters an error in reporting: the permanent database is updated only at the very end (after reports are dispatched)

  • use_browser: false was not being interpreted correctly

  • Jobs file (e.g. jobs.yaml) is now loaded only once per run


  • Database sqlite3 engine now saves new snapshots to a temporary database, which is copied over to the permanent one at execution end (i.e. database.close())

  • Upgraded SMTP email message internals to use Python’s email.message.EmailMessage instead of email.mime (obsolete)

  • Pre-commit documentation linting using doc8

  • Added logging to sqlite3 database engine

  • Additional testing increasing overall code coverage by an additional 4 percentage points to 65%

  • Renamed legacy module to for clarity

  • Renamed class JobsYaml to YamlJobsStorage for consistency and clarity

Known issues

  • url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) will at times display the below error message in stdout (terminal console). This does not affect webchanges as all data is downloaded, and hopefully it will be fixed in the future (see Pyppeteer issue #225):

    future: <Future finished exception=NetworkError('Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed.')> pyppeteer.errors.NetworkError: Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed. Future exception was never retrieved

Version 3.2.6



  • Tweaked colors (esp. green) of HTML reporter to work with Dark Mode

  • Restored API documentation using Sphinx’s autodoc (removed in 3.2.4 as it was not building correctly)


  • Replaced custom atomic_rename function with built-in os.replace() (new in Python 3.3) that does the same thing

  • Added type hinting to the entire code

  • Added new tests, increasing coverage to 61%

  • GitHub Actions CI now runs faster as it’s set to cache required packages from prior runs

Known issues

  • Discovered that upstream (legacy) urlwatch 2.22 code has the database growing to infinity; run webchanges --clean-cache periodically to discard old snapshots until this is addressed in a future release

  • url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) will at times display the below error message in stdout (terminal console). This does not affect webchanges as all data is downloaded, and hopefully it will be fixed in the future (see Pyppeteer issue #225):

    future: <Future finished exception=NetworkError('Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed.')> pyppeteer.errors.NetworkError: Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed. Future exception was never retrieved

Version 3.2



  • Job directive note: adds a freetext note appearing in the report after the job header

  • Job directive wait_for_navigation for url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer): wait for navigation to reach a URL starting with the specified one before extracting content. Useful when the URL redirects elsewhere before displaying content you’re interested in and Pyppeteer would capture the intermediate page.

  • command line argument --rollback-cache TIMESTAMP: rollback the snapshot database to a previous time, useful when you miss notifications; see here. Does not work with database engine minidb or textfiles.

  • command line argument --cache-engine ENGINE: specify minidb to continue using the database structure used in prior versions and urlwatch 2. New default sqlite3 creates a smaller database due to data compression with msgpack and offers additional features; migration from old minidb database is done automatically and the old database preserved for manual deletion.

  • Job directive block_elements for url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) (⚠ ignored in Python < 3.7) (experimental feature): specify resource types (elements) to skip requesting (downloading) in order to speed up retrieval of the content; only resource types supported by Chromium are allowed (typical list includes stylesheet, font, image, and media). ⚠ On certain sites it seems to totally freeze execution; test before use.


  • A new, more efficient indexed database is used and only the most recent saved snapshot is migrated the first time you run this version. This has no effect on the ordinary use of the program other than reducing the number of historical results from --test-diffs util more snapshots are captured. To continue using the legacy database format, launch with database-engine minidb and ensure that the package minidb is installed.

  • If any jobs have use_browser: true (i.e. are using Pyppeteer), the maximum number of concurrent threads is set to the number of available CPUs instead of the default to avoid instability due to Pyppeteer’s high usage of CPU

  • Default configuration now specifies the use of Chromium revisions equivalent to Chrome 89.0.4389.72 for url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) to increase stability. Note: if you already have a configuration file and want to upgrade to this version, see here. The Chromium revisions used now are ‘linux’: 843831, ‘win64’: 843846, ‘win32’: 843832, and ‘mac’: 843846.

  • Temporarily removed code autodoc from the documentation as it was not building correctly


  • Specifying chromium_revision had no effect (bug introduced in version 3.1.0)

  • Improved the text of the error message when jobs.yaml has a mistake in the job parameters


  • Removed dependency on minidb package and are now directly using Python’s built-in sqlite3, allowing for better control and increased functionality

  • Database is now smaller due to data compression with msgpack

  • Migration from an old schema database is automatic and the last snapshot for each job will be migrated to the new one, preserving the old database file for manual deletion

  • No longer backing up database to *.bak now that it can be rolled back

  • New command line argument --database-engine allows selecting engine and accepts sqlite3 (default), minidb (legacy compatibility, requires package by the same name) and textfiles (creates a text file of the latest snapshot for each job)

  • When running in Python 3.7 or higher, jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) are a bit more reliable as they are now launched using, and therefore Python takes care of managing the asyncio event loop, finalizing asynchronous generators, and closing the threadpool, tasks that previously were handled by custom code

  • 11 percentage point increase in code testing coverage, now also testing jobs that retrieve content from the internet and (for Python 3.7 and up) use Pyppeteer

Known issues

  • url jobs with use_browser: true (i.e. using Pyppeteer) will at times display the below error message in stdout (terminal console). This does not affect webchanges as all data is downloaded, and hopefully it will be fixed in the future (see Pyppeteer issue #225):

    future: <Future finished exception=NetworkError('Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed.')> pyppeteer.errors.NetworkError: Protocol error Target.sendMessageToTarget: Target closed. Future exception was never retrieved

Version 3.1.1



Version 3.1



  • Can specify different values of chromium_revision (used in jobs with use_browser" true, i.e. using Pyppeteer) based on OS by specifying keys linux, mac, win32 and/or win64

  • If shellpipe filter returns an error it now shows the error text

  • Show deprecation warning if running on the lowest Python version supported (mentioning the 3 years support from the release date of the next major version)


  • telegram reporter’s chat_id can be numeric (fixes # 610 upstream by ramelito)


  • First PyPI release with new continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) pipeline based on bump2version, git tags, and GitHub Actions

  • Moved continuous integration (CI) testing from Travis to GitHub Actions

  • Moved linting (flake8) and documentation build testing from pytest to the pre-commit framework

  • Added automated pre-commit local testing using tox

  • Added continuous integration (CI) testing on macOS platform

Version 3.0.3


⚠ Breaking Changes

  • Compatibility with urlwatch 2.22, including the ⚠ breaking change of removing the ability to write custom filters that do not take a subfilter as argument (see here upstream)

  • Inadvertently released as a PATCH instead of a MAJOR release as it should have been under Semantic Versioning rules given the incompatible API change upstream (see discussion here upstream)


  • New job sub-directive user_visible_url to replace the URL in reports, useful e.g. if the watched URL is a REST API endpoint but you want to link to the webpage instead (# 590 upstream by huxiba)


  • The Markdown reporter now supports limiting the report length via the max_length parameter of the submit method. The length limiting logic is smart in the sense that it will try trimming the details first, followed by omitting them completely, followed by omitting the summary. If a part of the report is omitted, a note about this is added to the report. (# 572 upstream by Denis Kasak)


  • Make imports thread-safe. This might increase startup times a bit, as dependencies are imported on boot instead of when first used, but importing in Python is not (yet) thread-safe, so we cannot import new modules from the parallel worker threads reliably (# 559 upstream by Scott MacVicar)

  • Write Unicode-compatible YAML files


Version 3.0.2



  • Logic error in reading EDITOR environment variable (# 1 contributed by MazdaFunSun)

Version 3.0.1



  • New format-json sub-directive sort_keys sets whether JSON dictionaries should be sorted (defaults to false)

  • New markdown directive for webhook reporter for services such as Mattermost, which expects Markdown-formatted text

  • Code autodoc, highlighting just how badly the code needs documentation!

  • Output from diff_tool: wdiff is colorized in html reports

  • Reports now show date/time of diffs when using an external diff_tool

Changed and deprecated

  • Reporter slack has been renamed to webhook as it works with any webhook-enabled service such as Discord. Updated documentation with Discord example. The name slack, while deprecated and in line to be removed in a future release, is still recognized.

  • Improvements in report colorization code


  • Fixed format-json filter from unexpectedly reordering contents of dictionaries

  • Fixed documentation for additions_only and deletions_only to specify that value of true is required

  • No longer creating a config directory if command line contains both --config and --urls. Allow running on read-only systems (e.g. using redis or a database cache residing on a writeable volume)

  • Deprecation warnings now use the DeprecationWarning category, which is always printed

  • All filters take a subfilter (# 600 upstream by Martin Monperrus)

Version 3.0



Initial release of webchanges, based on reworking of code from urlwatch 2.21 dated 30 July 2020.


Relative to urlwatch 2.21:

  • If no job name is provided, the title of an HTML page will be used for a job name in reports

  • The Python html2text package (used by the html2text filter, previously known as pyhtml2text) is now initialized with the following purpose-optimized non-default options: unicode_snob = True, body_width = 0, single_line_break = True, and ignore_images = True

  • The output from html2text filter is reconstructed into HTML (for html reports), preserving basic formatting such as bolding, italics, underlining, list bullets, etc. as well as, most importantly, rebuilding clickable links

  • HTML formatting uses color (green or red) and strikethrough to mark added and deleted lines

  • HTML formatting is radically more legible and useful, including long lines wrapping around

  • HTML reports are now rendered correctly by email clients who override stylesheets (e.g. Gmail)

  • Filter format-xml reformats (pretty-prints) XML

  • webchanges --errors will run all jobs and list all errors and empty responses (after filtering)

  • Browser jobs now recognize cookies, headers, http_proxy, https_proxy, and timeout sub-directives

  • The revision number of Chromium browser to use can be selected with chromium_revision

  • Can set the user directory for the Chromium browser with user_data_dir

  • Chromium can be directed to ignore HTTPs errors with ignore_https_errors

  • Chromium can be directed as to when to consider a page loaded with wait_until

  • Additional command line arguments can be passed to Chromium with switches

  • New browser reporter to display HTML-formatted report on a local browser when monitoring only new content)

  • New additions_only directive to report only added lines (useful when monitoring only new content)

  • New deletions_only directive to report only deleted lines

  • New contextlines directive to set the number of context lines in the unified diff

  • Support for Python Version 3.9

  • Backward compatibility with urlwatch 2.21 (except running on Python 3.5 or using lynx, which is replaced by the built-in html2text filter)

Changed and deprecated

Relative to urlwatch 2.21:

  • Navigation by full browser is now accomplished by specifying the url and adding the use_browser: true directive. The navigate directive has been deprecated for clarity and will trigger a warning; it will be removed in a future release

  • The name of the default program configuration file has been changed to config.yaml; if at program launch urlwatch.yaml is found and no config.yaml exists, it is copied over for backward-compatibility.

  • In Windows, the location of config files has been moved to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\webchanges where they can be more easily edited (they are indexed there) and backed up

  • The html2text filter defaults to using the Python html2text package (with optimized defaults) instead of re

  • keyring Python package is no longer installed by default

  • html2text and markdown2 Python packages are installed by default

  • Installation of Python packages required by a feature is now made easier with pip extras (e.g. pip install -U webchanges[ocr,pdf2text])

  • The name of the default job’s configuration file has been changed to jobs.yaml; if at program launch urls.yaml is found and no jobs.yaml exists, it is copied over for backward-compatibility

  • The html2text filter’s re method has been renamed strip_tags, which is deprecated and will trigger a warning

  • The grep filter has been renamed keep_lines_containing, which is deprecated and will trigger a warning; it will be removed in a future release

  • The grepi filter has been renamed delete_lines_containing, which is deprecated and will trigger a warning; it will be removed in a future release

  • Both the keep_lines_containing and delete_lines_containing accept text (default) in addition to re (regular expressions)

  • --test command line argument is used to test a job (formerly --test-filter, deprecated and will be removed in a future release)

  • --test-diff command line argument is used to test a jobs’ diff (formerly --test-diff-filter, deprecated and will be removed in a future release)

  • -V command line argument added as an alias to --version

  • If a filename for --jobs, --config or --hooks is supplied without a path and the file is not present in the current directory, webchanges now looks for it in the default configuration directory

  • If a filename for --jobs or --config is supplied without a ‘.yaml’ suffix, webchanges now looks for one with such a suffix

  • In Windows, --edit defaults to using built-in notepad.exe if %EDITOR% or %VISUAL% are not set

  • When using --job command line argument, if there’s no file by that name in the specified directory will look in the default one before giving up.

  • The use of the kind directive in jobs.yaml configuration files has been deprecated (but is, for now, still used internally); it will be removed in a future release

  • The slack webhook reporter allows the setting of maximum report length (for, e.g., usage with Discord) using the max_message_length sub-directive

  • Legacy lib/ file is no longer supported; needs to be in the same directory as the configuration files.

  • The database (cache) file is backed up at every run to *.bak

  • The mix of default and optional dependencies has been updated (see documentation) to enable “Just works”

  • Dependencies are now specified as PyPI extras to simplify their installation

  • Changed timing from datetime to timeit.default_timer

  • Upgraded concurrent execution loop to

  • Reports’ elapsed time now always has at least 2 significant digits

  • Expanded (only slightly) testing

  • Using flake8 to check PEP-8 compliance and more

  • Using coverage to check unit testing coverage

  • Upgraded Travis CI to Python Version 3.9 from Version 3.9-dev and cleaned up pip installs


Relative to urlwatch 2.21:

  • The html2text filter’s lynx method is no longer supported; use html2text instead

  • Python 3.5 (obsoleted by 3.6 on December 23, 2016) is no longer supported


Relative to urlwatch 2.21:

  • The html2text filter’s html2text method defaults to Unicode handling

  • HTML href links ending with spaces are no longer broken by xpath replacing spaces with %20

  • Initial config file no longer has directives sorted alphabetically, but are saved logically (e.g. ‘enabled’ is always the first sub-directive)

  • The presence of the data directive in a job would force the method to POST preventing PUTs


Relative to urlwatch 2.21:

  • None

Documentation changes

Relative to urlwatch 2.21:

  • Complete rewrite of the documentation

Known bugs

  • None